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Course Information

Elementary School Program

Special Programs: Courses

Elementary School Program

Kindergarten to Fifth Grade

Special Programs: Products
Children Reading the Holy Bible

Non-Fiction Reading

Research says that Nonfiction reading promotes student success.


The new Common Core language arts and literary standards is placing more emphasis on reading nonfiction.



 · It boosts vocabulary and addresses questions and interests of



 · Builds knowledge of the natural and social world. The more

   background knowledge readers have, the stronger their

   comprehension skills are likely to be.


   During the winter session, the classes will include information about

   the history and regions of the United States (Midwestern States) for

   5-6 grade.


   For 3-4 grades will learn about the groups of people who helped to

   make the United States. (Immigrants and pioneers).


   A typical session will involve reviewing the passage and homework

   that was previously assigned, then the new passage will be



 · A variety of skills will be scored by the teacher for each packet

   completed by the student.

Reading Books Makes You Better

Fiction Reading

Students will be reading fiction and practicing reading skills such as using context clues to determine meaning of unknown words, analyzing and comparing characters, and identifying themes.


(Books will be chosen according to the reading level of the student.)

Teahcer at a Math Class

Math Enrichment

Ongoing practice will promote speed and accuracy. Students will develop critical thinking skills from problem solving questions.


[ Elementary math is very important to students, if they fail on basic math, they will not be successful when new and difficult concepts are introduced in school. ]


Our goal is to help students develop strong basic math skills.


Common Core Math

The AP Academy teaches Common Core math, that USA Education Department recently implemented as a standard math technique for the states. Students will review and learn new concepts.


The goal of this class is to review, reinforce and introduce math skills and strategies.


Students will be assigned homework. Quizzes and tests (midterm and final) will be administered. Report cards will be distributed at the midterm and at the conclusion of the term.


   Learning activities will include;

1. Instruction and ongoing practice to promote speed and accuracy.

2. Problem Solving - including practice expressing mathematical ideas  

   and solutions in written form.

   (a skill that is assessed on standardized test)

3. Games will be played to practice skills and to promote strategies


4. Manipulative used.


Everyday Mathematices (The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project) series is used in many of our student's schools. Vocabulary, algorithms, and strategies used in the series will be used in class)

Desk with Book

Power Reading

The goal of this class is to review, reinforce and introduce reading skills and strategies used by effective readers, vocabulary development is taught.


Students will be assigned reading projects and homework.

Quizzes and tests (midterm and final) will be administered.  Report cards will be distributed at the midterm and at the conclusion of the term.


Students read nonfiction text to build background knowledge and realistic and historical fiction.

Documents are also used to introduce information.


Power Reading I : Students read and learn about;

   1. United States' symbols, famous people, and famous places.

   2. Science topics


Power Reading II : Students read and learn about;

   1. the government of the United States

   2. the regions of the United States.


Power Reading III : Students read and learn about a historical era of the United States.

   : Students explore literary themes.



The main goal of this class is to supply the students with effective writing techniques and skills to produce clear and informed written pieces. The students will focus on responding to various prompts and instructions while writing appropriately for the intended lessons. They will be working on grammar, different writing topics and appropriate writing activities to expand their knowledge of the class.  


Students will be assigned writing prompts and Grammar homework. Pop quizzes and final writing pieces will be administered. Feedback and scores will be given for every piece and every work they do in class.


The topics reviewed and introduced in class include:

1. Personal versus factual writing

   - Persuasive, informative, explanatory writing, and personal narratives

2. Grammar, mechanics, usage, and composition exercises

3. Brainstorming, outlining, writing, and proofreading process

4. Helpful writing topics: emphasis on current issues, real life experiences and topics that are helpful and challenging


Power Vocabulary

Under the guidance of an instructor, students will complete a dynamic and interactive online program hosted by the IXL, to master the academic vocabulary they encounter in school every day.


At the end of the day, students will be quizzed on their lesson to ensure that they are truly learning and retaining the vocabulary words, and using them correctly.


Parents will be provided with daily results of their children's progress. This program is available to students of grades 2-12.

Math Homework

Private Tutoring

The AP Academy offers personalized tutoring for a wide variety of subjects beyond standard school subjects and test prep such as PSSA and Keystone.


Every student will be paired with a qualified instructor and given individualized attention targeting his or her particular needs.


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